My First Time Blogging

Until this time my interaction with blogs has been to read them. I like to read random blogs about parenting and teaching. Never in a million years did I consider writing a blog myself. The thought of blogging scares me. It makes me feel vulnerable to allow others to read my thoughts and opinions in such an open space. That said, for the next fifteen weeks I have been asked to blog weekly as part of a course assignment. I am a graduate student at the University of Saint Joseph working towards my Elementary Certification and Masters in Reading.  I am excited to be taking the course Integrating Technology and Literacy, as technology is always advancing and changing the way students learn.

I thought for quite a while about what I wanted to blog about each week. Two ideas immediately came to mind. The easy blog, a weekly entry on the happenings in my preschool classroom, or the more in depth but open ended blog about reading. In the end I feel I will benefit from blogging about reading. That is my passion and my future. My hopes for this blog over the next fifteen weeks are to discover and share books, activities, resources, and whatever else I find relevant to reading. I hope this blog can be a tool for myself and others to use in the classroom to help children appreciate books and foster a love for reading.

I will leave you one of my favorite quotes:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

-Dr. Seuss



2 thoughts on “My First Time Blogging

  1. jlwood915 February 7, 2015 / 3:18 am

    Sounds great! I love reading too…I think sharing resources and ideas will be super helpful to many educators and parents. I totally understand the fear of sharing your thoughts with the whole world, it is totally intimidating, but I am sure we will be grateful for this unique opportunity to get outside of our comfort zones. I can’t wait to check back and see what kinds of books you are sharing.


  2. Tory February 10, 2015 / 8:27 pm

    I am super excited to check out the resources you post here! Even if readers aren’t Preschool teachers, these resources will be helpful and potentially lead to other resources, which is great! I never thought that I would be a blogger either, but it’s kind of neat to get out there and express what we are thinking. You expressed that there were two types of blogs that you could do – why not combine them both?? Use some of your experiences from teaching your preschoolers and some resources? I would love to see reflections of what you think went well and what you would change! Especially since I don’t have a classroom of my own yet….Keep going!!!!!!


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