A Twist on Book Buddies

Last semester I came across this article and I loved it so much I had to share it again. The article,  is about a book buddy program with an animal shelter in Pennsylvania. The program allows children to read to cats in shelters. Reading to cats or dogs or any animal really can help boost a child’s reading fluency. This buddy system is great for a struggling reader,  the child can read without judgement. Bonus to this article is the pictures are super cute!!

There may not be shelter near you that offers this type of program but your child doesn’t need a shelter to read to an animal. Have your child to read to her own cat or dog. Don’t have a pet? Ask a relative, friend, neighbor if your child can read to their pet. Or if all else fails, have your child read to their favorite stuffed animals. Allowing children to read to any pet (real or stuffed) is allowing them to practice their reading skills, build confidence and develop a love for books!

One thought on “A Twist on Book Buddies

  1. mrsletoile March 1, 2015 / 3:49 am

    Isn’t that the cutest. Thank you for sharing this. I teach Kindergarten and we have a “quiet reading” time each day. The kids are invited to bring in a stuffed animal to read to and it always surprises me how much they love to read to a stuffed animal! I am in love with the idea of reading to real animals. Those pictures melted my heart!


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