My First Animoto Video

After several hours I can proudly say I have created my first video. The first couple of hours I spent researching and playing around with different video formats. I do not consider myself to be very tech savvy in this area so I knew I needed a program that would be easy to use. After playing and starting to make videos through several different programs, I finally settled on using Animoto.

Animoto was very easy to use. Pictures, video and music samples were available to use, though none fit within the content of my video. While it was very easy to navigate the site, and upload personal pictures and videos, there were a few drawbacks. I made my video using a free trial so my uploaded video clips were limited to 10 seconds each. This made it quite difficult to add them in, as I had to upload in segments that I had pre-edited using iMovie. (This was also my first attempt at using iMovie so I am also very proud of my editing skills!) The other drawback was that the Animoto logo is across my video, again from using the free trial. Overall the experience of making my first video was great!

I hope you like it!

One thought on “My First Animoto Video

  1. Jess March 22, 2015 / 5:37 pm

    This is AMAZING! You have shown the wonderful foundation you built with your own children for literacy as well as the importance of literacy in any home. Your editing/video building skills are also phenomenal. I agree the Animoto label across is very annoying, they could’ve done that a different way. Very impressive!


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