Digital Story

Over April vacation I spent a lot of time with a second grader. In school she is learning how to do research to write non-fiction books. She wrote a phenomenal non-fiction book about elephants that is being turned into an e-book for school. With nothing to do over her break she wanted to write another book. She chose to write her book on walruses. She made an outline of what information she wanted to include in her book, then used her ipad to do the research. After the research was done she put it all together, the way her teacher had taught her.FullSizeRender

Once she finished the hard copy of the book, we used VoiceThread to take pictures of the pages and record her reading her book. She is so excited that she was able to write this book for “college”.

I really enjoyed using VoiceThread for this project. It was very easy to use as an adult and child. I will definitely use this again for future video projects.


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